Dawn Light: Virtual Asset Regulation and Anti-Fraud Actions
FinTechOn 2024
Grand Hyatt Taipei
2024 年 11 月 4 日 (一)
4th November (Monday)
AI 與區塊鏈技術,是金融科技最新的機遇,也是最大的挑戰,其中又以「監管」和「反詐「兩大議題最為急迫!FinTechOn 2024 年度論壇主題訂為「迎向黎明:虛擬資產監管與反詐行動」,匯聚來自新加坡、日本、香港、阿布達比、歐盟及台灣的重量級講者,產官學齊聚,臺灣金融科技領域最權威、最國際化的年度論壇!不容錯過!
The FinTechOn Conference is the premier international event in Taiwan dedicated to discussing cutting-edge developments, trends, and innovations in financial technology (FinTech).
As the most authoritative gathering in the industry, FinTechOn convenes top-tier executives, thought leaders, government officials, academics, policymakers, and the most influential figures who shape the future of FinTech globally, offering a platform for high-level dialogue and strategic collaboration.
重磅講者 Featured Speakers
彭金隆 Jin-Lung Peng
金融監督管理委員會主任委員Chairman of Taiwan's Financial Supervisory Commission

黃世杰 Shih-Chieh Huang
Deputy Minister of Taiwan's Ministry of Justice

蔡玉玲 Jaclyn Tsai
Honorary Chairwoman of Taiwan FinTech Association andChairwoman of Asia FinTech Alliance (AFA)

張斗輝 Tou-Hui Chang
Chief Prosecutor of Taiwan High Prosecutors Office

黃錫和 Hsi-Ho Huang
金管會證期局證券商管理組組長 Director of Securities Firms Division at Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission

幸政司 Seiji Yuki
Executive Managing Director of the Japan Virtual and Crypto Assets Exchange Association (JVCEA) and Co-founder and Executive Managing Director of the Japan Cryptoasset Business Association (JCBA)

詹方冠 Fang-Guan Jan
國家發展委員會副主任委員 Deputy Minister of Taiwan's National Development Council

葉寧 Ning Yeh
Deputy Minister of Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA)

方燕玲 Winnie Fang
臺灣金融科技協會理事長 Chairwoman of the Taiwan FinTech Association

胡則華 Brenda Hu
Director-General in Department of Planning and Executive-Sercretary of the Fintech Center, Financial Supervisory Commission

關蕙 Angelina A. Kwan
Former Director of Enforcement and Director of Supervision of Markets, Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) HK, Managing Director and Head of Regulatory Compliance for Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing

楊岳平 Alex Yueh-Ping Yang
國立臺灣大學法學院副教授 Associate professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University

Sopnendu Mohanty
Chief FinTech Officer, Monetary Authority of Singapore & Group Chief Executive Officer - Designate, Global Finance & Technology Network (GFTN)

Brian Byagaba
Director of FinTech, Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

Evy Theunis
Managing Director - FIG - Head Digital Assets of DBS

Peter Kerstens
Advisor for Financial Sector Digitalization and Cybersecurity in European Commission
安侯企業管理股份有限公司副總 Director, KPMG Advisory Services Co., Ltd.
葛如鈞 Ju Chun Ko
Taiwan’s Legislator

林之晨 Jamie Lin
President at Taiwan Mobile

鄭光泰 Titan Cheng
Chairman, Taiwan VASP Association

戴松志 Simon Tai
遠東商銀數位金融事業群副總經理Executive Vice President of Far Eastern International Bank

黃耀文 Wayne Huang
XREX 共同創辦人暨集團執行長 Co-founder and Group CEO of XREX

羅韋淵 Wayne Lo
臺灣士林地檢署主任檢察官 Head Prosecutor, Taiwan Shilin District Prosecutors Office

Vincent Xu
馬來西亞金融科技協會副會長 Vice President, Fintech Association of Malaysia
Dongpyo Hong
Global Alliance and Partnership Chair, Korea Fintech Industry Association

Ma. Weena Llona
柬埔寨金融與科技協會執行董事 Executive Director, Cambodian Association of Finance and Technology

Brian Tang
Board Member of Hong Kong FinTech Association
指導單位 Directed by
主辦單位 Organized by
The Taiwan Fintech Association (TFTA) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the development and innovation of financial technology (fintech) in Taiwan. It was established in 2017 and has since become one of the leading voices in the fintech industry in Taiwan.
TFTA advocates for regulatory policies and measures that support fintech innovation both domestically and internationally. TFTA has strong connections with government units, industry stakeholders, and international organizations. TFTA serves as a crucial platform for connecting, collaborating, and facilitating development within the Taiwan fintech community.